Dan, Jack – Filming: New Member + About Course videos
Jack's GardenDan & Jack are filming two videos: a new "welcome to members" video for the mbr-home page and a new "about course" video for our landing/salespage.
Dan & Jack are filming two videos: a new "welcome to members" video for the mbr-home page and a new "about course" video for our landing/salespage.
Andrew to produce videos on Saturday 4th and release to Damien by Monday morning 6th
Topic: Planning your fall & winter gardening Time: Saturday, June 11, 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Host: Dan, Local Harvest Meeting ID: 886 2472 8197 Passcode: garden Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88624728197?pwd=Q1BYQnYxcnlGYlorWm1jUWJyRy9HQT09